
Nurse Logo

Ms. Kelly

Health Assistant

Contact via email at: [email protected]

Clinic Hours:

M-T-Th-F: 8:30 AM - 2:45 PM

W: 8:30 AM - 1:45 PM

Phone: 407 249 6390 x3992229

The school is responsible for first aid only!

Usually, a band aid or a bag of ice will be supplied for most minor issues.

The clinic will send a note home saying:


  • If a student is not feeling well, he/she will be allowed to rest for a short time in the clinic. A parent will be contacted for further instructions if the child continues to feel ill.
  • Anyone with a temperature of 100 or more needs to be picked up immediately. Also, if a student is throwing up, the child will need to leave as soon as possible.
  • When medication needs to be given at school, the following is mandated by OCPS: All medication must be brought to school by a parent/guardian and received in the original container, with the original label from the pharmacy showing the student's name, the name of the drug and directions for administration.
  • Over the counter medication must be in a new unopened container. No medication of any kind is permitted in the classroom unless medically necessary and required by a physician, ex. asthma inhalers.
  • An "Authorization for Medication" form must be signed if the parent expects the medication to be administered at school. Any additional prescription changes will need a new form.

The clinic is always in need of clean, used clothes. If you are going through your child's outgrown clothes, please consider bringing them to the school. These clothes are used for student that spill or have accidents.